Friday, March 21, 2014

Myurghyard the Capricious (Large Mercury Dragon for DCC)

  I've always wanted to roll up a dragon.  I finally sat myself down, opened up the Dungeon Crawl Classics tome, got some dice, a pencil and paper, and set to work.  Here's what I got after going through all the charts:

Myurghyard the Capricious
Large Mercury Dragon

Myurghyard's silvered form is both beautiful and terrifying, with a narrow body and a slender whip-like tail. His sleek head has a long, pointed snout, with swirling horns curving forward from behind his lower jaw and larger, razor-like horns curving backward from behind the upper jaw and eyes. His wings are mirror bright, casting a reflection of those brave enough to approach him. There is a crisp scent, like a spring morning, about him.

Age -Old (160 years)
Alignment- Neutral
HD- 9d12 (54HP)
Saves Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +9
AC- 24
Speed - 60’
Initiative - +9
Combat:  4 melee attacks, one breath weapon-until used up-, and two spells/ round
Attack Action Dice 4d20 (for melee attacks)
Attack Bonus- +14 ( 2 claws 1d8 dam; bite 1d12 dam; tail slap 1d20 dam)

Daily Breaths- 2/day
Breath Attack- Sleep Gas, Fort DC 19, Fall asleep 1d6 hours, cloud 1d4x 10’ , 60’ range

Spell Action Dice- 1d30,1d20
Spell Check- +6
Spells  Level1: Charm Person p. 131, Enlarge p. 139
           Level 2: Invisible Companion p. 173, Ray of Enfeeblement p. 190

Martial Powers - half damage from normal weapons,
                       - 50% failure to spells cast against dragon
                       ( if successful, Dragon still gets a save)

Unique Powers- replaces one attack or spell action die.
                       - light 30’ radius with a range of 100’
                       - bless 1/day (give one creature +1 to attacks for 24 hours)

                        - can walk across icy surfaces as if it were normal ground.

He's definitely a bad-ass; I'd hate to get on his bad side, that's for sure.  I like that I rolled up a Mercury dragon--we all know the red and green ones already.  I didn't know much about them, so I did a bit of research.  My favorite bit of info that I learned is that they have an unpredictable nature and fast-paced speech, which can be hard to keep up with.  They sound like a lot of fun to roleplay.    

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