Saturday, April 12, 2014

Pre-Game: "Invasion of the Red Queen" A 3rd- to 5th-Level Adventure for 3-6 Labyrinth Lord Characters

I've put together a brand spankin' new Labyrinth Lord adventure to run my players through.  Here's the adventure background:

     "Spies of the small Kingdom of Wenvance have learned that the Red Queen of Vordalox's 
undead fleet has--yet again--set sail for conquest. They are believed to be only nine days away from 
reaching the shore and launching an attack on Wenvance and the surrounding human kingdoms. 
The armies of the human kingdoms are small, but not all hope is lost! Rumors tell of a cruel and evil sorcerer, many ages past, who once ruled the lands where Wenvance now lies. He controlled the people with dark magics, and created terrible, frightening creatures that terrorized his subjects. The stories also say he was in possession of a ring that could control the currents of the sea, and produce massive tidal waves upon command. This ring is Wenvance's only hope of stopping the innumerable unholy forces in possession of the Red Queen. The catch? This sorcerer's tower is said to be located in the Myuglin Marshes, a place where only the foolish would go, for who knows what strange sorceries still lie in that foreboding place? But you are legendary heroes, a cut above the rest... right? You have been asked by King Thebaldus himself to retrieve the ring. You have been 
offered 1,000gp each if you return in time with this desperately sought-after magical item. The 
other catch? The Myuglin Marshes are two days away, and who knows exactly how large they are, 
let alone where the old sorcerer's tower is located. Well, what say you, adventurer? Will you accept 
this quest? If so, make haste, for you are the human kingdoms' last hope…." 

The Myuglin Marshes

      It should be noted that I'm running this game over Google+ Hangouts.  It should also be noted that I'm not very technologically savvy--I made the following map on Microsoft Paint! Heck, most of my notes are scribbled down in pen on a wide-ruled notebook.  Since I do not possess the capability to map things out as we play, and  in order to avoid in-game confusion, I decided to provide my players with a map of the Myuglin Marshes before the game starts, assuming they even accept the quest to begin with.  "As you travel the merchant roads north towards the marshes, a mysterious, dark-cloaked stranger approaches, seemingly out of nowhere, and hands you a scroll.  You accept it, almost without even realizing it, and unfurl the parchment.  You see it to be a map of the wild place you are about to enter.  As you look up to speak with the stranger, he is gone..." 

     Obviously, it does not provide any specified side-quests or locations, such as the wizard's tower--if it even does exist in these marshes;  this is merely to keep communication clear between everyone as we play.  The party will be traveling north towards the marshes, and can enter in any square from the 1st row.  For example A1, D1,  H1, etc.  



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